Break Them by Talking: He completely breaks Oz's spirit by telling him that he's just a Chain created from a stuffed rabbit and his entire life up to this point has been an elaborated lie fabricated by Jack himself.Glen: In order to do something as trivial as that, you wouldn't mind destroying the whole world, you bastard?! Jack: I just wanted to make Lacie's wish come true, and yet you. Blue-and-Orange Morality: Maybe? While it's hard to tell anything about Jack, one of his last conversations with Glen suggest he really doesn't see destroying the world as something wrong.Blood-Splattered Innocents: Gets one courtesy of Lacie and some thugs.It's not until much later that he reveals himself as a twisted, manipulative sociopath who intents to bring the world down to the Abyss. Bitch in Sheep's Clothing: Jack seems like a saint.Big Bad: He's either directly or indirectly the cause for almost everything bad that's happened to the main cast due to his quest to send the world into the Abyss.On the inside, he's completely devoid of empathy and lacks a true sense of identity, and he copes with it by trying to destroy the world. Beneath the Mask: On the outside, he looks like the most heroic and noble man in the series.Deconstructed as Jack came to hate Lacie's acts of kindness over the years it took him to find her, as they gave him a purpose to live on when he didn't want to and tied him down with the desire to meet Lacie again. This made him want to see her again no matter what and seek her for eight years. Because You Were Nice to Me: Lacie was the first person to show him kindness in his entire life.

Despite being made look like a good guy at first, Jack is the real Big Bad of the series and the mastermind behind the Tragedy of Sablier. Bastard Bastard: Jack is the son of a nobleman from the Vessalius household and his mistress.His mother was driven insane by being abandoned by his father and abused Jack until he ran away. Bastard Angst: Jack was born as a result of a nobleman's affair.Badass Longcoat: He's always seen wearing a green longcoat that sure looks good and imposing on him.He at first seems like the ideal hero who wants to save everyone and make everyone happy. That 'anything' includes throwing the entire world into the Abyss under the misconception that Lacie still lives in the Abyss and must be sad that she can't return to the world she loves. Above Good and Evil: If he thinks it will make Lacie happy, Jack will do anything.Like Oz, he shares many traits with the White Rabbit. Eventually he resolves to drop the entire world into the Abyss for her sake because she loved it so much. As it turns out, he is certainly no hero-he is revealed to be extremely broken and violently insane in his obsession with Lacie. The "hero" of the Tragedy of Sablier who resides within Oz's body, having used his own in a gruesome sacrifice to seal Glen Baskerville's soul. " I deceived not only the people around me, but my very own emotions.so much so that I couldn't perceive my true self anymore."